Newport Beach City Manager Update: New Marine Trash Skimmer

By Guest Contributor Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager – February 25, 2023

Source: Newport Beach Independent Newport Beach City Manager Update: Trash Skimmer

Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

Grace Leung, Newport Beach City Manager

Representatives from the Surfrider Foundation North Orange County Chapter recently presented the City with a generous donation of $12,415 toward the purchase and installation of a new marine trash skimmer for Newport Harbor. The donation will be used to offset the $18,000 cost of a new trash skimmer that will replace an older, broken skimmer located at the Rhine Wharf public dock.

Marine trash skimmers are floating devices attached to docks that operate in a manner similar to pool filters, using a motor to cycle water through a filtration system while trapping trash and debris. The new skimmer will be part of a network of eight skimmers that collect seven to eight tons of trash and debris from Newport Harbor every year. The new model will be more efficient than previous versions, using 80 percent less power and a self-cleaning filter that empties automatically every 30 minutes.

The Newport Harbor trash skimmers are an important part of the City’s ongoing efforts to keep our beaches, harbor and waterways clean.

Source: Newport Beach Independent Newport Beach City Manager Update: Trash Skimmer

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