October 2024

Update: The State of The Harbor

By Chairman Dennis Durgen

In a follow-up to our NHF Luncheon held May 15th 2024 @ Newport Harbor Yacht Club with about 150 people in attendance I am here to report that we received many compliments on the presentation that was made with regard to the State of the Harbor.

Harbormaster Paul Blank continues to do a fantastic job with his limited staff and 8 to 10 hour work day to keep all using the harbor happy. The new lights are being installed on many of the unlit marks and buoys with funding from NHF. The harbor has 2 new Public Docks (one @ 29th Street next to the old Schock Boats building & one where the old Ruben E. Lee restaurant was located)

Next up with support from NHF is the Newport Harbor Underwater Cleanup scheduled for Saturday Sept. 21st to be held @ Marina Park. They are expecting 300 volunteer divers, boat drivers, and trash collectors to scour the bottom of the harbor and bring all the underwater findings to the surface for inspection and proper disposal rather than on the bottom of our harbor.

Both public anchorages on each end of Lido Island (now with White Buoys instead of the old Yellow ones) are being enjoyed by many this summer. NHF Board continues to meet monthly working on keeping the best interest of the harbor in the forefront for all concerned. We are thinking about holding a town hall style event in the Fall where we hear from the public as to what it is they would like to see in and around our harbor.

Lastly, the Mooring proposal that was adopted by the City Council recently was put on hold by the State Lands Commission to go back and take a look at all the docks in the harbor. More to come on this subject in the future.

Harbor Facts: 25 miles of shoreline, 8,000 boats, 1,230 moorings, 2,500 boat slips & 1,250 waterfront residences plus a multitude of commercial waterfront properties.

Remember to practice safe boating…


Dennis Durgan

Inaugural Issue No.01

More of What’s Inside

The Newport Bay Trash Interceptor

By Marshall ‘Duffy’ Duffield

Believe it or not… After six long years since the first funding dollars arrived to build the water wheel machine there is real progress.

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Yachts in beautiful Newport Harbor

Update: The Moorings

By William ‘Skip’ Kenney

There have been recent significant developments in the continuing saga of the proposed increase in the permit fees paid by the mooring permittees in Newport Harbor.

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The Newport Harbor

By Harbormaster Paul Blank

It is the mission of the Newport Beach Harbor Department to keep Newport Harbor clean, safe, and well-enjoyed.

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Seymour Beek

Balboa Island Ferry Electrification

As mandated by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in March 2022, short run ferries, which include those traveling less than three nautical miles over a single run, will be required to be fully zero-emission by the end of 2025.

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