Coastkeeper suit delays confined aquatic disposal facility planned for underneath Newport Bay

By Tom Johnson – June 06, 2023

Source: Stu News Newport Fair Game 060623

The United States Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) has halted the dredging of Lower Newport Bay and construction authorization for the City of Newport Beach’s (the city’s) Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) facility. The Corps put things on hold after Orange County Coastkeeper (Coastkeeper) filed a lawsuit challenging their failure to fully analyze actions possibly violating the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Endangered Species Act (ESA).

So, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Sources tell me that the city is fine with postponement for several reasons. First, the delay allows them to gather further data and two, doing the work in the fall or winter is certainly more conducive than doing it in the middle of summer with all the crowds.

Initially, the Corps was required to respond to the lawsuit from Coastkeeper by June 16. However, in order to allow the Corps additional time to consider revisiting its compliance issues, all parties agreed to extend that deadline to July 12, including temporarily halting dredging activities and the authorization to construct the CAD facility.

The postponed project is an effort between the Corps and the city to dredge the federal channels in Newport Bay in order to address underwater sediment buildup that could eventually impact vessel navigability. The dredged material deemed unsuitable for open ocean disposal through the process due to elevated levels of contaminants such as mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) would be permanently stored in a CAD facility constructed by the city within Lower Newport Bay.

At the CAD, this contaminated sediment would be covered with additional layers of less polluted sediment to try and prevent it from reentering the wider environment.

It’s been a controversial subject, particularly when it was previously considered elsewhere in Newport Bay.

Source: Stu News Newport: Fair Game 060623

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If you have started to hear Christmas music and noticed holiday TV ads, then you know it’s time for my annual recognition of our harbor’s sailing awards.

I’ll start with the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club’s (BCYC) awards night and the juniors. Sailing director Carolyn Smith stepped up to the podium for her first time presenting awards at BCYC, and she nailed it. One can always tell if the event is someone’s first rodeo, however, Smith’s a pro and she made the night fun and memorable with clear descriptions of the awards she was presenting. The Juniors awards always brings back good times, or even more so by diluting the agony of defeat.

Nine years ago, when the 106th Annual Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade was held, a few of us thought something was missing.

Not that there was anything wrong with the parade, which was going to feature its usual holiday splendor. But a few people felt it needed a little extra touch that many other parades around the country usually feature.

It was a Grand Marshal.

It almost seems impossible that a parade of this caliber can be held for more than a century without a Grand Marshal. Even much smaller parades in Orange County have them, with some even having multiples for the same parade (Say you Garden Grove Strawberry Festival).

Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort has announced their Inaugural Fire & Ice Festival, featuring one of Orange County’s largest waterfront ice rinks, spanning 4,000 square feet. The festival kicks off a season of holiday fun at Newport Dunes with an opening night celebration on November 24, alongside the 33rd Annual Lighting of the Bay, and runs daily through January 1, 2024.

“This year, we celebrate the return of our beloved Lighting of the Bay with a magical holiday experience like never before,” said Phil Ravenna, general manager of Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. “We are excited to bring a waterfront ice rink to Newport Beach. Skaters can enjoy the lights of the bay as well as our Fire & Ice Festival. We welcome the community to usher in the holidays with loved ones and create new holiday memories in our idyllic bayfront setting in the heart of Newport Beach.”