High Marks from Pumpout & Dump Station Monitoring Program

Southern California Clean Vessel Act Pumpout & Dump Station Monitoring Program

Recent surveys were conducted on the following Public Docks on Sep 27, 2022.

Fernando Street Pumpout Station

Summary of the survey:

Overall Status[1]
Unit was: Operational

Pumpout Usability Score[2]

  • Pumpout usability score for this quarter: 94.44

Usability Measurements

  • Vacuum at the nozzle in inHg (optimum is 22): 24.0
  • Pumpout time for 5 gallons of water in seconds (20 or less is optimum): 10.0

Dye Table Test[3]

  • Dye tab performed (if previously authorized): Yes
  • Leak detected: No

Notes from Monitoring Team

  • The unit is working great.
[1] This status is immediately displayed on the Pumpout Nav app. If not accurate, please contact us at the emails listed above.
[2] Pumpout usability score is determined in part by the above measurements and indicates the likelihood of a boater having a positive experience at this disposal unit. An annual California Pumpout Report can be downloaded here.
[3] We offer a free voluntary dye tablet test (if previously authorized) when conducting our quarterly monitoring of the disposal unit. This allows us to detect any leaks in your sewage system.

15th Street Pumpout Station (Near Unit)

Summary of the survey:

Overall Status[1]
Unit was: Operational

Pumpout Usability Score[2]

  • Pumpout usability score for this quarter: 94.44

Usability Measurements

  • Vacuum at the nozzle in inHg (optimum is 22): 23.0
  • Pumpout time for 5 gallons of water in seconds (20 or less is optimum): 10.0

Dye Table Test[3]

  • Dye tab performed (if previously authorized): Yes
  • Leak detected: No

Notes from Monitoring Team

  • Unit works really great!
[1] This status is immediately displayed on the Pumpout Nav app. If not accurate, please contact us at the emails listed above.
[2] Pumpout usability score is determined in part by the above measurements and indicates the likelihood of a boater having a positive experience at this disposal unit. An annual California Pumpout Report can be downloaded here.
[3] We offer a free voluntary dye tablet test (if previously authorized) when conducting our quarterly monitoring of the disposal unit. This allows us to detect any leaks in your sewage system.

15th Street Pumpout Station (Far Unit)

Summary of the survey:

Overall Status[1]
Unit was: Operational

Pumpout Usability Score[2]

  • Pumpout usability score for this quarter: 97.22

Usability Measurements

  • Vacuum at the nozzle in inHg (optimum is 22): 22.0
  • Pumpout time for 5 gallons of water in seconds (20 or less is optimum): 9.2

Dye Table Test[3]

  • Dye tab performed (if previously authorized): Yes
  • Leak detected: No

Notes from Monitoring Team

  • Unit is working great! Thank you for meeting me George – always a pleasure!
[1] This status is immediately displayed on the Pumpout Nav app. If not accurate, please contact us at the emails listed above.
[2] Pumpout usability score is determined in part by the above measurements and indicates the likelihood of a boater having a positive experience at this disposal unit. An annual California Pumpout Report can be downloaded here.
[3] We offer a free voluntary dye tablet test (if previously authorized) when conducting our quarterly monitoring of the disposal unit. This allows us to detect any leaks in your sewage system.

Balboa Yacht Basin Pumpout Station

Summary of the survey:

Overall Status[1]
Unit was: Operational

Pumpout Usability Score[2]

  • Pumpout usability score for this quarter: 83.33

Usability Measurements

  • Vacuum at the nozzle in inHg (optimum is 22): 22.0
  • Pumpout time for 5 gallons of water in seconds (20 or less is optimum): 10.0

Dye Table Test[3]

  • Dye tab performed (if previously authorized): Yes
  • Leak detected: No

Notes from Monitoring Team

  • The unit is working great! However, I recommend replacing the nozzle as it is folding in on itself. Thank you.
[1] This status is immediately displayed on the Pumpout Nav app. If not accurate, please contact us at the emails listed above.
[2] Pumpout usability score is determined in part by the above measurements and indicates the likelihood of a boater having a positive experience at this disposal unit. An annual California Pumpout Report can be downloaded here.
[3] We offer a free voluntary dye tablet test (if previously authorized) when conducting our quarterly monitoring of the disposal unit. This allows us to detect any leaks in your sewage system.

Balboa Fun Zone Pumpout Station

Summary of the survey:

Overall Status[1]
Unit was: Operational

Pumpout Usability Score[2]

  • Pumpout usability score for this quarter: 91.67

Usability Measurements

  • Vacuum at the nozzle in inHg (optimum is 22): 25.0
  • Pumpout time for 5 gallons of water in seconds (20 or less is optimum): 15.0

Dye Table Test[3]

  • Dye tab performed (if previously authorized): Yes
  • Leak detected: No

Notes from Monitoring Team

  • The unit is working great!
[1] This status is immediately displayed on the Pumpout Nav app. If not accurate, please contact us at the emails listed above.
[2] Pumpout usability score is determined in part by the above measurements and indicates the likelihood of a boater having a positive experience at this disposal unit. An annual California Pumpout Report can be downloaded here.
[3] We offer a free voluntary dye tablet test (if previously authorized) when conducting our quarterly monitoring of the disposal unit. This allows us to detect any leaks in your sewage system.

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Balboa Island Docks & Boats

The United States Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) has halted the dredging of Lower Newport Bay and construction authorization for the City of Newport Beach’s (the city’s) Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) facility. The Corps put things on hold after Orange County Coastkeeper (Coastkeeper) filed a lawsuit challenging their failure to fully analyze actions possibly violating the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Endangered Species Act (ESA).

So, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Burn off over mooring field, Newport harbor, California

On May 23, the City Council approved a pilot program to change the harbor mooring fields configuration and approved changes to the Harbor Code to accommodate the proposed pilot program and the long-term plan for all the moorings in the harbor.

Speak Up Newport is hosting a meeting on Wednesday, June 14 to discuss the mooring plan with guest speaker Bill Kenney, the former Harbor Commission Chair. He will describe the Harbor Commission’s Open Water Initiative and the reasons for the changes to the mooring fields.
The valves, which were built in the 1970s to replace a system from the early 1900s, are necessary to prevent flooding in low-lying areas. They are manually operated, and need to be closed during high tides to prevent seawater from flooding the streets. Once the tide recedes, crews reopen the valves — nearly 90 in total — to allow water to flow from streets to the bay.

City Council this week unanimously approved a pilot project, called the open water initiative, related to mooring field design.

Councilmembers voted 7-0 on Tuesday (May 23) in support of the ordinance that would amend Title 17 (the city’s harbor code) related to mooring standards and permits. The approved action, stemming from Harbor Commission recommendations, will reconfigure mooring field C, which sits between Bay Island and the Balboa Peninsula ferry station.