High Marks from Pumpout & Dump Station Monitoring Program

Southern California Clean Vessel Act Pumpout & Dump Station Monitoring Program

Recent surveys were conducted on the following Public Docks on Sep 27, 2022.

Fernando Street Pumpout Station

Summary of the survey:

Overall Status[1]
Unit was: Operational

Pumpout Usability Score[2]

  • Pumpout usability score for this quarter: 94.44

Usability Measurements

  • Vacuum at the nozzle in inHg (optimum is 22): 24.0
  • Pumpout time for 5 gallons of water in seconds (20 or less is optimum): 10.0

Dye Table Test[3]

  • Dye tab performed (if previously authorized): Yes
  • Leak detected: No

Notes from Monitoring Team

  • The unit is working great.
[1] This status is immediately displayed on the Pumpout Nav app. If not accurate, please contact us at the emails listed above.
[2] Pumpout usability score is determined in part by the above measurements and indicates the likelihood of a boater having a positive experience at this disposal unit. An annual California Pumpout Report can be downloaded here.
[3] We offer a free voluntary dye tablet test (if previously authorized) when conducting our quarterly monitoring of the disposal unit. This allows us to detect any leaks in your sewage system.

15th Street Pumpout Station (Near Unit)

Summary of the survey:

Overall Status[1]
Unit was: Operational

Pumpout Usability Score[2]

  • Pumpout usability score for this quarter: 94.44

Usability Measurements

  • Vacuum at the nozzle in inHg (optimum is 22): 23.0
  • Pumpout time for 5 gallons of water in seconds (20 or less is optimum): 10.0

Dye Table Test[3]

  • Dye tab performed (if previously authorized): Yes
  • Leak detected: No

Notes from Monitoring Team

  • Unit works really great!
[1] This status is immediately displayed on the Pumpout Nav app. If not accurate, please contact us at the emails listed above.
[2] Pumpout usability score is determined in part by the above measurements and indicates the likelihood of a boater having a positive experience at this disposal unit. An annual California Pumpout Report can be downloaded here.
[3] We offer a free voluntary dye tablet test (if previously authorized) when conducting our quarterly monitoring of the disposal unit. This allows us to detect any leaks in your sewage system.

15th Street Pumpout Station (Far Unit)

Summary of the survey:

Overall Status[1]
Unit was: Operational

Pumpout Usability Score[2]

  • Pumpout usability score for this quarter: 97.22

Usability Measurements

  • Vacuum at the nozzle in inHg (optimum is 22): 22.0
  • Pumpout time for 5 gallons of water in seconds (20 or less is optimum): 9.2

Dye Table Test[3]

  • Dye tab performed (if previously authorized): Yes
  • Leak detected: No

Notes from Monitoring Team

  • Unit is working great! Thank you for meeting me George – always a pleasure!
[1] This status is immediately displayed on the Pumpout Nav app. If not accurate, please contact us at the emails listed above.
[2] Pumpout usability score is determined in part by the above measurements and indicates the likelihood of a boater having a positive experience at this disposal unit. An annual California Pumpout Report can be downloaded here.
[3] We offer a free voluntary dye tablet test (if previously authorized) when conducting our quarterly monitoring of the disposal unit. This allows us to detect any leaks in your sewage system.

Balboa Yacht Basin Pumpout Station

Summary of the survey:

Overall Status[1]
Unit was: Operational

Pumpout Usability Score[2]

  • Pumpout usability score for this quarter: 83.33

Usability Measurements

  • Vacuum at the nozzle in inHg (optimum is 22): 22.0
  • Pumpout time for 5 gallons of water in seconds (20 or less is optimum): 10.0

Dye Table Test[3]

  • Dye tab performed (if previously authorized): Yes
  • Leak detected: No

Notes from Monitoring Team

  • The unit is working great! However, I recommend replacing the nozzle as it is folding in on itself. Thank you.
[1] This status is immediately displayed on the Pumpout Nav app. If not accurate, please contact us at the emails listed above.
[2] Pumpout usability score is determined in part by the above measurements and indicates the likelihood of a boater having a positive experience at this disposal unit. An annual California Pumpout Report can be downloaded here.
[3] We offer a free voluntary dye tablet test (if previously authorized) when conducting our quarterly monitoring of the disposal unit. This allows us to detect any leaks in your sewage system.

Balboa Fun Zone Pumpout Station

Summary of the survey:

Overall Status[1]
Unit was: Operational

Pumpout Usability Score[2]

  • Pumpout usability score for this quarter: 91.67

Usability Measurements

  • Vacuum at the nozzle in inHg (optimum is 22): 25.0
  • Pumpout time for 5 gallons of water in seconds (20 or less is optimum): 15.0

Dye Table Test[3]

  • Dye tab performed (if previously authorized): Yes
  • Leak detected: No

Notes from Monitoring Team

  • The unit is working great!
[1] This status is immediately displayed on the Pumpout Nav app. If not accurate, please contact us at the emails listed above.
[2] Pumpout usability score is determined in part by the above measurements and indicates the likelihood of a boater having a positive experience at this disposal unit. An annual California Pumpout Report can be downloaded here.
[3] We offer a free voluntary dye tablet test (if previously authorized) when conducting our quarterly monitoring of the disposal unit. This allows us to detect any leaks in your sewage system.

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More than 70 boats competed in the 87th Annual Flight of Newport Beach, presented by the Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce with assistance from the Balboa Yacht Club.

Initially known as the Flight of the Snowbirds and later the Flight of the Lasers, the Flight of Newport had three different classes of boats racing to circumvent Newport Harbor.

“I am pleased to report that a long-awaited water quality project, the Newport Bay Trash Interceptor, was approved this week by the Newport Beach City Council.”

On Tuesday, July 11, the City Council awarded a $3.9 million construction contract to Brea-based Jilk Heavy Construction, Inc. We expect to break ground this fall and begin operations in 2024.

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